My Latest Books

What is a Pacemaker?  The fastest growing population segment in the United States, seniors commonly undergo pacemaker implantation. Although doctors’ offices typically provide short pamphlets on pacemaker implantation, there is rarely any comprehensive yet understandable reference material for the patients to obtain…until now. Explaining the “what, why, and how” of pacemaker implantation, this invaluable new guide provides an in-depth summary of pacemakers, from the initial patient evaluation and device implantation to the issues that could potentially arise during a long-term follow up.

Expertly designed to educate patients under evaluation for a pacemaker, the guide also features a comprehensive section on complications that is extremely valuable for a primary care provider’s knowledge base. By thoroughly summarizing the most important issues that patients and their families encounter during the pacemaker implantation process, this wonderful book is an invaluable educational guide designed specifically with the most important audience in mind…the patients.

What is a Pacemaker? A Cardiologist’s Guide for Patients and Care Providers is a complete reference tool for patients who are undergoing, or have undergone, pacemaker implantation. From doctor selection to long-term care issues, this informative guide by Dr. Jeffrey L. Williams covers everything from A to Z. Easy to read, exceptionally organized, and extraordinarily helpful, this priceless resource should be read by pacemaker patients everywhere.

The first book of its kind dedicated exclusively to pacemaker patients and their care providers, What is a Pacemaker? provides the same references and knowledge that cardiologists use but at a level more easily digestible for patients, their families, and their primary care providers. Packed from cover to cover with valuable information, this practical guide presents the perfect reference material for anyone whose life has been touched by pacemakers.

What is a Defibrillator? A defibrillator implant is a small device surgically implanted in the chest to maintain the heart’s electric rhythm. The surgery is very common: over 130,000 Americans receive a defibrillator implant every year.

If you or a loved one requires a defibrillator implant, you’ll undoubtedly have many questions—questions that can’t always be adequately explained in a forty-five minute doctor’s appointment. Clinical cardiac electrophysiology specialist Jeffrey L. Williams, MD, MS, FACC, FHRS, provides a complete, easy-to-understand guide to defibrillator implantation.

Dr. Williams begins with an explanation of how defibrillators work and the conditions they treat. Williams then discusses how doctors determine whether patients are good candidates for defibrillators and provides an overview of the implantation process. Potential complications both before and after defibrillator implantation are discussed, as is surgical recovery and follow-up treatment. For readers having difficulty with medical terminology, Dr. Williams offers a helpful glossary at the back of the book.

Patients, caregivers, and family members alike will benefit from Dr. Williams’s straightforward explanations. If you’re a candidate for defibrillator implantation, this book can help you approach surgery with a full understanding of the procedure and what it means to your quality of life.

What are Palpitations? Thousands of patients every year are admitted to hospitals because of irregular, fast, or strong heartbeats. For the portion that will eventually be diagnosed with a heart condition, there are important choices to make moving forward. But there is rarely time in a short doctor’s visit to go over all the details.

This comprehensive overview fills that information gap by imparting everything there is to know about abnormal heart rhythms through all stages of care. Dr. Jeffrey L. Williams, MD, MS, FACC, FHRS, CPE, has worked to provide patients with complete information. There are various types of arrhythmias, and the benefits and risks of treatments for each will vary for each individual patient. Patients, as well as their families, need a thorough understanding to make a fully informed decision.

Along with types of treatments, Dr. Williams discusses what is happening on a physiological level and explains the full evaluation process that doctors use. His knowledge, gained over years of study and practice, offers the what, why, and how of this medical issue, so anyone can make the best decisions for the health of his or her family.